
We are located on Childress Rd in Alum Creek. Our physical address is 2090 Childress Rd. Alum Creek, WV 25003.

If you know where Southridge is it is pretty simple to get here. Coming from Charleston approximately 2 miles past Southridge on Corridor G (US 119) you will see the exit for Childress Rd. There is a sign just before it saying Alum Creek to the right.

Take this road to the right. Go about four miles on this road and we are on the right. You will know you are getting close when you cross the railroad tracks.

To download directions or to see a map of where we are click here.

If you are coming from Logan click here

If this doesn’t help then call us and we will be more than happy to tell you how to get here! 304 756 9467.

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